
I really hope you all enjoy this site. With this new one, I hope to be able to do much more for you. I was constantly over my space requirements with the other site, and this one has many more features.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's almost summertime and the kids and I couldn't be happier about it. There are only 2 weeks of school left and I already miss my Tuesday and Thursday mornings with Ellie only. But the thought of long summer days spraying the kids with the hose, trips to the park, and walks to the candy store are getting me through.

Lloyd and Lilly have enjoyed their first few months of school and don't understand why they won't be going during the summer. I guess I should enjoy that now. They will continue preschool at IC next year in the 4 year old room and should have the same 5 classmates.

Lilly just finished her music class last week. She is going to take a couple of classes (one by her music teacher and one art) at the Carnegie Center this summer so she is super excited. She continues her ballet class too. She has her first recital June 27. She is so eager to learn, especially reading (thankfully for me grandma Leilani has really taken a leading role there, I have neither the skill nor patience).

Lloyd likes to keep his excitement for learning on the down low. He would still much rather mow, work or go to Home Depot than anything. Every once in a while though it sneaks out. He wants to take a couple of the classes at the Carnegie Center too, but unlike Lilly, he needs a friend there. He may end up taking classes he isn't thrilled about just to take them with Lilly.

Now Ellie....She is actually what prompted this post. She has does so many new things in 2 days I almost can't keep track.
~~~She just got her 4th tooth.
~~~She got into a sitting position from laying down.
~~~She is beginning to try to crawl around.
~~~She pulled to a stand.
~~~She has said "dada" and "mama" for a while but just said "Tick" yesterday. It may not sound like much but we were playing with the cat, Ticklish, and she looked at her and said it a couple of times.

Today was a great day. There was the small but still exciting 7-minute parade this morning. Then when had good friends over for a cookout and playing games in the yard. Burch's ribs were spectacular again this year. Hopefully he wrote down the recipe this year. He makes several versions of the dry rub every year before it is perfect. We played bocce, soccer, golf, on the swings/playhouse/sandbox and generally enjoyed the company. Pictures coming soon.

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