
I really hope you all enjoy this site. With this new one, I hope to be able to do much more for you. I was constantly over my space requirements with the other site, and this one has many more features.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The First Day of School

Today Lloyd and Lillian went to school for the first time. They were so excited. There are only seven kids in their class and they go Tues and Thurs mornings. Their teacher is wonderful and the kids I have met are great too. Below is a series of pictures and some video (though the videographer, me, was super nervous and therefore didn't do a great job) of the morning. When we got to school, they immediately starting playing. They knew where everything was (we spent an hour in the classroom last week) and even started playing with the other kids. I hope they stay this excited for the rest of the year. They didn't even care that I was leaving. :( Boo Hoo!

1 comment:

motherhubbardva said...

Oh my heart! Cannot wait to see them - will be there in April! First day of school - its wonderful