
I really hope you all enjoy this site. With this new one, I hope to be able to do much more for you. I was constantly over my space requirements with the other site, and this one has many more features.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Major Milestone

Well, it's finally here! The kids are potty trained. We have gone 2 weeks in regular big boy and girl underwear. The kids are very excited about the whole thing but not nearly as much as we are. It has kind of turned into a competition between the two of them....who can get there first, how many times they can go, etc. I don't care what the motivation really as long as they do it.

Just in time to start buying diapers again for #3.

1 comment:

motherhubbardva said...

Outstanding - Congratulations!!! A few months of freedom from the diaper bag.......love the tennis pics - Y